So this post is way overdue, but Amelia has been crawling for the last 5 weeks (just over 10 months). We had a few sibling fights at the beginning when Camila realized that Amelia could now get into her things, but the last couple of weeks have been much better. Camila knows to put things on the table if she doesn't want to share (or if I tell her it's not safe for Amelia). But the best part is now they play together/around each other ALL THE TIME. Anywhere Camila goes, Amelia must go too, and Camila loves it. Camila likes pushing Amelia in this old baby swing I pulled out, and Amelia even tries to push Camila in it. Camila is always running to get Amelia a toy or doll (especially since Amelia is always interested in whatever Camila is playing with, and vice versa.) My favorite is watching Camila run around the house with Amelia crawling after, trying to catch up, and both of them squealing/laughing as loud as they can.
That's not to say it's always fun, but I'm focusing on the good for now. :)
Notice Camila insisting that Kitty needs to be in the picture. (That stuffed animal is in rough shape!)

Amelia about to get into trouble. Notice her crawling towards Camila's special blanket. Surprisingly, Camila has started to share Kitty and Blanket with Amelia. Amelia has her own kitty, but she loves playing with both. I'm sure I'll have stories to tell as she gets older, but Amelia appears to have a bit of a devilish streak. She's not the easy-going baby she once was. It's quite the reverse - she's ALWAYS getting into trouble. I'm afraid she's going to be a biting or hair pulling toddler since we've already had some trouble with that.
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